About us

Know what we do

We are solutions provider and Information Technology consulting company ,specializing in solutions provision and system integration. We are also a  solutions provider and electrical consultant. attending and addressing various challenges that our clients faces in their business and industries. Our most aim is to improve productivity and efficiency of the working processes

Know Who We Are

About our company

Established since 2012 in Dar es salaam , Tanzania as a small company focusing in provision of various ICT services such as provision of hardware and software (solutions) , we have since  grown and expanded our focus and services that we offer

We now have full spectrum of solutions in power and energy solutions on top of various IT solutions that we have been engaged since our inception in year 2012. Our focus has been addressing business challenges that hinders growth and productivity of client businesses

We are a registered contractor as registered by contractors registration board of Tanzania as specialist electrical contractor and given registration number SPE3/706/05/2017 . The registration enable us to work in areas of telecommunication , ICT and security systems , both as a service provider and supplier

The same company is also a registered electrical contractor as registered by contractors registration board of Tanzania and given registration number E5/316/02/2020. This registration qualifies us and makes us eligible to carryout all works related to electrical power installation , maintenance and repair such as construction of HT lines

“Our vision is to be one  of the most reliable source of competitive and innovative solutions where businesses depends and rely upon to make the difference and enhance profitability of their businesses.”

Microsoft Dyanamics 365 ERP/CRM

We are solutions provider and IT consulting company ,specializing in solutions provision and system integration. We are also a  solutions provider and electrical consultant. attending and addressing various challenges that our clients faces in their business and industries. Our most aim is to improve productivity and efficiency of the working processes

Fuel Level Monitoring System

With introduction of fuel level monitoring sensors like  ultrasonic fuel level sensors one now can comfortably track and monitor fuel levels in fuel tanks or tankers of vehicles, generators , heavy duty machines etc . You get an instant notification through sms , email or system message whenever the fuel theft is detected just from anywhere any time. This makes fuel theft from vehicles,generators or fuel transport tankers very hard to go unnoticed

Online Accounting System

Every business needs an accounting management software to manage its business , whether it’s a small or big business. Business without proper accounting is too risky and costly.We are here to help those who can not afford paying big penny to host their own system inhouse. We enable them to subscribe and use our comprehensive, secure, affordable and easy to use software to manage their businesses accounts . Subscribe to our online accounting system at $40/month and start managing your financial  accounts accordingly

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Our Technology Partners

In adopting and solving various problems and business challenges , we work and adopt  various solutions and technologies from our partners around the world be them manufacturers or global distributors. We are official technology partner to many world leading technology manufacturers and distributors.Our aim is to take the client business to the next level by adopting various solutions that works and improve productivity and efficiency